2. The Learning Environment. To maintain a student-centered learning environment that is safe, organized, equitable, flexible, inclusive, and collaborative, the effective educator consistently:
a. Organizes, allocates, and manages the resources of time, space, and attention;
Using attention grabbers
During my observations, I have used the "give me five" attention grabber. This is something that the students are familiar with school-wide. Using this is also great to use when students are being too loud and need to be redirected.
I often use the attention grabber when trying to get students to stop what they are doing and bring their focus on me. I also use the attention grabber when I ask students a question.
Time is valuable
Before I conduct a lesson with a small group, I make sure to set all the materials out for the students. Since some lessons require multiple parts, I make sure that each student has every material needed for the lesson. This has saved me time while still getting great results!
b. Manages individual and class behaviors through a well-planned management system;
Rules & expectations
Reminding students of the rules and expectations is very important to convey high expectations to students. I remind students of the rules and expectations before an activity to ensure they do not get too loud and that they remain focused. In my classroom, my CT and I enforce CHAMPs as our classroom management style. This management style holds students accountable for their actions and enforces them to be proactive learners. We have a poster posted on the wall of the classroom that students can refer to if they need to be reminded of the rules and expectations.
c. Conveys high expectations to all students;
During a meeting meeting, students had to come up with their own sentences with a word they were given. I made sure everyone got the opportunity to share but allowed volunteers to go first. Because some students are shyer than others, I made sure that all students were quiet and not disrespectful while their peers were sharing.
d. Respects students’ cultural linguistic and family background;
Respecting Prior School Experience
During my observations, I incorporated differentiation to challenge students who were at a higher level. While doing this, I also ensured that the lesson was engaging. While working with younger students who have little too prior school experience, making this lesson was essential.
e. Models clear, acceptable oral and written communication skills;
Written Communication Skills
Before a morning meeting activity, I projected a written list of directions for the class. This allows them to refer to the list in case they are unsure what to do. This is a good idea to minimize conversations or confusion.
Clear Directions
When facilitating a more difficult lesson, I ensure to provide examples and models to the students so they are able to see what is expected. For my science lesson that I conducted in my Level II internship, I modeled activity to the students prior to beginning.
f. Maintains a climate of openness, inquiry, fairness, and support;
Line up
During a lineup observation, I called students who were following the rules and expectations to line up first. Students who were in need for improvement would line up last. Students find this to be important to line up first especially when it’s time for lunch!
g. Integrates current information and communication technologies;
Integrating current information
Since I was in the classroom for two days out of the week in my Level III placement, I was able to facilitate lessons and provide extra support for my students. For example, students struggled with creating fluent sentences and I formed small groups where I would sit with them and guide them through the writing process for additional support.
h. Adapts the learning environment to accommodate the differing needs and diversity of students;
Adapting the learning environment
When facilitating a lesson, I found that gathering students on the carpet helps students who are unable to concentrate become engaged in the lesson. For example, during my supervisor observation, students were gathered on the carpet and their behavior was not an issue as it would be when they are sitting at their desks. i have found that having students closer in my seating range has allowed them to be proactive learners.
i. Utilizes current and emerging assistive technologies that enable students to participate in high-quality communication interactions and achieve their educational goals.
Flex seating
In my Level II and III classroom, students were given the opportunity to sit on a wobble cushion. The seats were optional for students and if students were off task, my CT and I would ask students if they would like to sit on the cushion. Students would grab the seats on their own and would use them to support their engagement. Very rarely would they distract the students; it is something I would consider using in my future classroom to support my students.