For my first observation routine I chose to line up students for lunch. I found this routine to be a good first start based on what I have observed from my CT. I have also found that the students respond very well to her routine and have become familiar with it. She is very consistent with her procedures, rewards and disciplines when it comes to line up.
From observing my CT perform this task, I have noticed that she gives the class an assignment before lunch. Once it is time for lunch, she uses the attention grabber “give-me-five”, then tells the students to put their assignment away and take their interactive notebooks out on their desk so they can work in them after lunch. To line students up, she used to have them in alphabetical order but has not found this to be rewarding for students who are behaving well. She began to call students up by tabled groups instead. The first table that gets called is following the rules and the last table is the group who is not. This reminds students to follow the rules and expectations so that they can be recognized for their good behavior and to be in the front of the line. I have found that students find it important to be called first and to be recognized for their good behavior. Once students are all in the line, she reminds them of the rules and expectations while in the hallways. If a student does not follow the rules and expectations, they are sent to the back of the line. If anything were to happen that requires more than being sent to the back of the line, they get pulled to the side for a discussion while classmates are in the cafeteria. While getting my lesson plan completed, my CT informed me that there has never been a situation where one of her students does something out of hand while in line. This comforted me for my observation.
Before I performed this routine, I nervously and carefully studied the lesson plan to ensure that I would not leave any important steps out. When I began my line up routine for this observation, the students were excited for me. I found that this impacted the results because they do have a respect for me and they are fully aware of the rules and expectations. Based on my video and lesson plan, I used FEAP 2a, organizes allocates and manages the resources of time, space and attention. I began with the attention grabber that my CT uses because the students are already familiar with it. Because students were already working in their interactive writing notebooks, I told the class to leave the notebooks out on their desks and we will continue working in them after lunch. While using FEAP 2f, maintains a climate of openness, inquiry, fairness and support, I informed students that I will be calling by table to line up depending who is following the rules and who is not. I found this to be effective because it was a fair reward for students following the rules. I was surprised by how well they were all behaving without me having to repeat. This was difficult to choose which table would line up first. The question I asked myself is what does my CT usually do if all of the students are behaving and does not know which order to line them up? I noticed some students were not sitting in their seats, so I decided to line them up last. This made the routine consistent as if my CT was the one conducting the line. Using FEAP 2c, conveys high expectation to all students, I reminded students to keep quiet and not disturb other classrooms. I asked students if they had their lunches and I later learned to not ask yes or no questions. To incorporate FEAP 2e, models clear, acceptable oral and written communications skills, I will remind students to get their lunch instead of asking questions to minimize any talking in line. Once I dismissed the line leader to the corner, I kept a close eye to make sure the students were following along and staying in line. When I looked to the corner, the line leader went past where he was supposed to go. The student behind him was able to correct him and say it had to be at the corner. In first minute of the video, I should have repeated myself or been clearer about telling the line leader where to stop. If the student did not hear me say the corner, the whole line could have been down the building and out of my sight.
After watching the whole video, I found that the importance of performing this task is that it allowed me to be comfortable with the class and my CT. I believe it went very well because I had respect from the students. They are aware that I am studying and observing to become a successful teacher and to see their excitement for me was very comforting. From my coursework, I learned that using an attention grabber is a key essential when trying to gain the attention of your students. Using an attention grabber that they were already familiar with was easy but next time, I would come up with my own for the class. After seeing my video in the minute and 30 second mark, I noticed that my back was facing the back of the line and this was not incorporating FEAP 2b, manages individual and class behaviors through a well-planned management system. Next time, I will be sure to stand in the back of the line and keep an eye on the students ahead of me. This task met the developmental needs of the students because it involved good behavior. Lining up students by who is behaving well first makes them aware of their actions. I agree with my CT that having the students line up by alphabetical order does not show much discipline or is rewarding for good behavior. Now that I have performed this task, I will be able to engage in this often or line up students for specials.