For my second supervisor observation, I was assigned to facilitate a small group activity. After discussing different lessons with my Collaborative Teacher (CT), she decided that a root-word activity would be beneficial to a group of students. She also informed me that some students have difficulty understanding the root words that they were taught in class.
From observing my CT hold small groups at her half-moon table, I noticed that the students enjoy working with her. She calls students up to her table based on her work-centers list where she rotates centers everyday so that each group will be seated with her in the week. There is a cup with ceramic chips in which each student gets three chips. This is used for participation. When a student wants to share their response, the first person who puts a chip in, gets to share. Whichever student has no chips left over, wins. Although there is a winner, there is no prize. I would preferably not have it to be a competition because this does not give other students the opportunity to share their response if other students are not giving their peers an opportunity to do so. However, I would recommend a small prize if this participation activity is used. I could find it possible that students do not participate because there is nothing to look forward to if they do win. It was brought to my attention that I would be with a lower level group. therefore, I decided that in order to challenge the students’ knowledge, I should review, assign and assess the students on the root-words during this assignment. When preparing the lesson plan for this observation, I put a lot of work and effort into preparing an informational but challenging task. I wanted to make sure that the students will enjoy it but also be challenged.
Before I began my observation, I was nervous, but some students were asking when I will be the teacher again and it ensured me that they do enjoy me instructing. I found that this impacted the positive results because they were excited to be with me and break their normal routine of being with my CT. A guest reader came into the classroom and went over time that it cut into my observation. Luckily, it did not interfere. My CT called up a group of students to the round table. Based on my lesson plan and using FEAPs 2a, organizes allocates and manages the resources of time, space and attention, there were papers already placed for students to save time. Once students sat down at the table, my supervisor and CT were trying to set my phone down to record and students were distracted. I instantly called their names and looked at them to make them aware that that is not important or does not relate to them. I then informed them to not turn over any of the papers that are laid out for them until I allow them to. I then began to tell the students that we will start with a root-word sort using the cups and slips of paper. I also made them aware that these are words they have already learned, and I wanted to see what they now know. I gave them examples of words and asked which cup it would go into as a model for the activity before they began. Based on the 50 second mark of my video, I told the group that I will give them 45 seconds to complete the sort. Once they began, some students struggled, and I reminded them that it’s okay and to not rush through it. Once the students finished, I reviewed each slip of paper from the cups aloud. I found this fun because when the students continued to get a cup right, they were excited to see how they did on the next cup. This kept them interested. Some students said that certain strategies helped them know the correct answer and this aligned well with FEAP 2f, maintains a climate of openness, inquiry, fairness and support.For the assignment activity, I allowed the group to turn over the first sheet of paper that I laid out for them. I explained that we will be finishing the passage together. I began to read each sentence aloud to the group and gave them the opportunity to complete the sentence on their own. Using FEAP 2e, models clear, acceptable oral and written communications skills,I reminded them to use the word bank on the top of the page if they need help. I also reminded them that these are some words that we did in the word sort, so they should know them. once we completed the passage, I allowed the group to have an opportunity for participation. I read the passage and allowed students to use their given chips to say what they put to complete their sentence. Considering that some students were very competitive with trying to be first in sharing, I incorporated FEAP 2fonce againby allowing students to give their peers an opportunity to share or I would tell a student that they will be next to share. I wanted to make sure that every student got an opportunity to participate considering I did not do this in a previous observation. On the assignment page, I added a scoring part that students can fill in their score to boost their confidence. Some students missed more than one and were upset but I reminded them that it is just for practice and its okay. When we completed the assignment review, I asked students if they had any questions on any words before we began the assessment. This was important to ask considering students did miss multiple words and it was a good opportunity for them to learn. Fortunately, students realized where they were incorrect and why. After collecting their assignments, I told the group that they will do an assessment on the words we went over. I allowed them to flip the last page and begin and informed them that they will be given 8 minutes to complete the assessment. I could have used this opportunity to focus on FEAPs 2b again. I noticed I did not give thorough instructions for the students. I previously conducted this small group activity with an earlier group and realized that it only took 8 minutes as opposed to 10 minutes. This helped manage my time better. Again, some students were stressed out but I reminded them that it is only practice and its okay. Using FEAP 2b, manages individual and class behaviors through a well-planned management system, I told the group to keep their eye son their own paper. While they were completing their assessment, I incorporated FEAP 2c, conveys high expectation to all students, by watching each student to make sure they were not looking at other students’ papers. Once the group completed the assessment, we went over the answers and the students were given the opportunity to participate using their chips. once we reviewed, I dismissed the students back to their tables.
After watching my resource video, I found that the students were engaged, and it also aligned with my teaching philosophy of Collaborative Teaching from my classroom management course. Performing this task made me aware of how much students do enjoy collaborative work and activities that are out of their normal routine. One of the question I did ask myself was what would I have done if a student was looking at another students’ work? I noticed I did not add that to my lesson plan for “what if’s?”. another question I asked myself is what other way could I have given the students positive feedback rather than repeating myself with saying “good job”. This is something I would definitely add to future lesson plans. Overall, I am pleased with the results of my observation task and feel that it went very well. I believe I got my desired results because of the students’ interest in doing this activity with me.