When discussing ideas with my Collaborative Teacher (CT) about my second observation, I mentioned conducting either a read aloud or a group activity. She recommended doing an activity that would include both. While we discussed this before spring break, my CT had to see what lessons will be taught the week of my observation. Luckily, there was going to be a Reading FSA practice that week that my CT planned on going over in small groups. She planned on going over the practice article during centers and the group that was with her for that day, would be the ones to go over it. However, she informed me that she will assign a specific group for me on the day of my observation.
After my pre-conference with my CT, she informed me that she will be conducting this activity will all of the students group by group. Instead of her conducting it that day, I will be. The passage and questions were given to me 2 weeks prior to my observation to give me time to go over it and become familiar with it. My CT informed me that she wants students to understand the text structure and meaning of the titles within a passage. After I read the passage to the students, they were to answer the questions along with the passage as if they were taking an actual Reading FSA.
Before I conducted my observation, my CT placed the students passages on the round table where I would be with them. She informed me that they have already read the passage as a class and answered the questions, but she still wanted me to go over the test taking strategies with the titles and text structure. Once it was time to get into groups, my CT assigned “Seahorses” to the round table with me. I handed my phone to my CT for recording purposes. Students did not ask about the recording which was great. Using FEAP 2a (organizes, allocates, and manages the resources of time, space and attention),my CT distributes three toy chips to each student while they are in the group. every time a student participates, a chip goes in to the cup. Students enjoy this because they try to be first to get rid of all their chips first. Before we all sat down, a student who is in charge of distributing the chips immediately began. Once everyone had chips, I began by using FEAP 2e (models clear, acceptable oral and written communication skills)and explaining that we will be determining the text structure and importance of titles within a passage. I also used FEAP 2c (conveys high expectations to all students) stating that we will be going over test taking strategies that can be used during the Reading FSA. I first askedif students enjoyed the passage when they read it and why did they enjoy it or not. This made the observation comfortable for the students since they are used to being with my CT. I then asked, “what kind of text is this?” students raised their hand and I was then to choose a student to share. Once the student shared, a chip went into the cup for participation. We began going over the questions to see which ones they got right or wrong. I continued to use the chips as a way for them to participate. I noticed that some students participated more than others and were soon low on chips. I could have used FEAP 2f (maintains a climate of openness, inquiry, fairness and support). After looking over my video, I realized that one student never raised her hand and I should have called on her regardless. This would have incorporated FEAP 2f. when there was a question with apart A and part B, I explained to the group that if you get either A or B wrong, then the whole number is wrong. Throughout the review, I had to repeat it to them. The repetition was important to me because in an actual FSA, it is important for them to know the given information in a practice. Once we went over the questions, I noticed some students had the last written response question empty or did not answer it correctly. I allowed them 5 minutes to complete the written response which was until centers was over. Once we were completed, the group was sent to another center and another group came to the round table but did a different activity with my CT.
After reviewing my video, I feel that I did not get my desired results. Although the activity went well, I was not happy with my results. I continuously feel bad for not including the one student who was not raising her hand. It was not until toward the end of the activity where I noticed she never participated and then I began calling her name to share her answers. I found this did not align with my teaching philosophy of collaboration from my Creating Different Learning Environments course. I wanted to include every student and make them feel involved and I did not do so. Although it is something I became upset about, I can use this negative situation to make sure I do not do it again. Next time, I could remind students who are raising their hand to remind them to allow those who have not gotten a chance to participate to share their thoughts as well. I could also call on students who are not participating to make them obligated to be part of the group. These different actions could make the task have a better outcome. I do find that the group of students were well behaved. I did not have to remind them of the rules and expectations because they were already on task and behaving. In another scenario, I could have used FEAP 2b (manages individual and class behaviors through a well-planned management system) by reminding students that we will keep our volume down when I know that I will be with a group of students who tend to get loud. I did FEAP 2c (conveys high expectations to all students). I could use this in another group activity if students were to do work together and
Question: How do I involve students who are not participating without making them feel that they are being put on the spot?